
Showing posts from 2019

Week 14 Critical Reflection

In view of the two objectives I set for myself at the start of the course, I have only fulfilled the second objective, speaking confidently in front of a camera. I do not know if presenting in front of a class counts of speaking in front of a large crowd, hence, I am unable to confirm if I have achieved my first objective. Next, the Skills on Wheels part, on group-based communications, based on my decisions and answers on Skills on Wheels, I realized that I am not very good with interacting with others. According to Skills on Wheels, I should show some care and concern to people when I meet them. Honestly, I feel that that seems hypocritical, as I feel that asking about another person's life while not really caring about it, firstly, wastes both parties time, secondly, could seem ingenuine should there not be a follow-up conversation. I agree with showing concern about a person's life, but please show genuine concern. Honestly, I detest hypocrisy.  Other than communica

Resolving Interpersonal Conflict

I remember watching a movie, The Shawshank Redemption, which is about a man wrongly accused of murdering his wife, and his life in prison. In the movie, the main character, Andy Dufresne  helped the Warden launder money through the prison, and when there was proof that Andy Dufresne did not kill his wife, Andy went to talk to the Warden, asking him to appeal to the court to reopen the case, so that he could be released. The Warden as we would expect does not permit it, and gets mad at Andy. This sparks an argument between both of them and ends with the Warden putting Andy in solitary confinement. In this conflict, the main problem is that Andy wants to be released from prison, but the Warden needs Andy in prison to continue his money laundering business. How Andy probably felt at that moment was hopeful at first, that he might be released, then angry at how unfair the Warden was to him. As for the Warden, he was probably feeling afraid, thinking about what could happen should Andy le

Evaluating Listening Skills & Nonverbal Behavior

For this blog post, I have observed my group of friends from my secondary school. I have noticed some of the usual interactions a group usually has, for example, the alpha of the group, the quiet character of the group, the clown of the group, and so on. In the group, active listening occurs according to the ranking of the person in the group. The higher the rank, the more people listen. The same system applies for non-verbal communication. For example, if the quiet guy speaks the group usually does not pay attention, as compared to when the alpha speaks. The rank system could also be taken as a form of non-verbal communication. The rank shows a person's social standing, wealth, and authority in certain interactions. The amount of wealth one's parents has, and the amount of wealth the individual currently has, can alter the rankings of the system, which in turn alters how the group perceives  that individual, which leads to more active listening when the individual speaks. Ano

The First Post

So, for my first post, I am required to describe my strengths in communication, and the challenges I have when communicating with others. I also have to set two objectives for myself to achieve by the end of the course. Firstly, one of my strengths is that I am able to read the mood of the other party during or before verbal communication. This helps with deciding how I want to communicate with the other party. Depending on the message I want to get across, and the current mood of the other party, I might try to lead the conversation to the topic I want in an indirect manner, or by asking the question directly, so as to avoid the other party avoiding my topic or question. Another strength I have is that I like to try different things during communication. I like to see how different groups of people react to different ways of communication. After experimenting with strangers I met online, I have noticed some common occurrences when communicating with people in general. Some of what I